Are you heading "ALL the WAY to TIMBUKTU!" ?
if so, here is what to do...
Directions to the Marina (7401 Oak Narrows Road, 218-666-2434)
coming from Cook...
taking Hwy 53 N
turn Right off Hwy 53 N at Hwy 24 (Park State Bank-log building)
follow Hwy 24 through town, over the RR tracks and about 2 miles to Beatty Rd (there is a large resort directional billboard here) make a Right on Beatty Road
follow Beatty Rd (Co. Rd. 540) 9 miles (yes, 9 miles and it changes names many times & will change to Oak Narrows Rd.- but stay on it!)
if you go too far you will end up at the public landing on the lake (if you are dropping a boat in Lake Vermilion this is where you need to be)!
the Marina parking is on the road and there is a large DNR parking lot before you get to the Marina on the left side of the road if it is a busy time of year & road parking is full.
If you are going to Timbuktu Marine Sales & Service or Vermilion Sunsets RV Park
(2475 Vermilion Drive 218-666-2276) from Cook:
From Hwy 53 N
turn Right At Hwy 24 (Park State Bank-log building)
follow Hwy 24 through town, over the RR tracks and continue about 2 miles
the Marine location is on the left right past the Vermilion Fairways golf course.